About the Programs

Graduate Program

The Graduate Program at FGV’s São Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV/EAESP) offers Master’s and Doctoral programs in:

Business Administration
 Master’s and Doctoral programs in Business Administration aim to graduate people with high qualification that focus on the critical reflection of current issues in Administration, as well as fostering the production of relevant knowledge for the Brazilian reality.
The main objective of the Master's Degree in Business Administration (CMAE) is to provide advanced scientific knowledge in Administration with an emphasis on qualification for the career of professor and researcher. The qualification seeks reflection on the state of the art on key Administration issues, with a stimulus to the scientific method and analytical tools.

The main purpose of the Doctoral Degree in Business Administration (CDAE) is to qualify researchers, professors and professionals to conduct cutting-edge research with an impact on society and the scientific field.

Public Administration and Government

The purpose of the Master’s Program in Public Administration and Government (“Mestrado Acadêmico em Administração Pública e Governo” – CMAPG) is to provide graduate training for highly qualified public administrators with a focus on analyzing state, civil society and public administration. The program’s goal is to provide  professionals and researchers with the academic skills needed to evaluate public policy in a contemporary context, whether within the sphere of the state (different jurisdictions and utilities) or in a non-governmental arena (social movements, nonprofit organizations, international agencies, corporate foundations and universities).

Doctoral Program in Public Administration and Government (“Doutorado em Administração Pública e Governo” – CDAPG) candidates are trained to contribute to the construction of cross-disciplinary scientific knowledge in public management and policies in Brazil. The program’s focus lies in training researchers and professors who are capable of producing relevant research at the domestic level and establishing a dialogue with international literature and experience.

For further information, access the connected links on the left.




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